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Certification and Standards

Torino Airport certification path

ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) Airport Certification

On 10 August 2017, Torino Airport achieved the Airport Certificate pursuant to Community Regulation no. 139/2014 . It establishes the airport technical requirements (i.e. infrastructures, facilities, systems and surrounding areas) and the managerial and operational requirements for the airport management company (i.e. set of means, personnel and procedures) in order to guarantee the safety of airport operations.

This certificate replaces the previous one issued on November 30, 2004 by ENAC according to the "Regulations for the construction and operation of airports” that integrated the technical contents of Annex 14 Airports Volume 1 in Italy.

ISO 9001 certification

SAGAT recognize a strategic role to Quality, as it is transversal to all company processes. It is both a founding value and a critical success factor for the progressive development of Torino Airport - a crucial infrastructure for the territory, at the service of all stakeholders.

The SAGAT Quality Management System is UNI EN ISO 9001 certified.

Operating in strict compliance with current legislation on Quality of Services and in accordance to the provisions of ISO 9001, the priority objectives that we set ourselves are:


  • to provide excellent services in the activities of the Airport Managing Company;
  • to exercise the role of control of the Airport Managing Company, ensuring the Quality of the "airport system";
  • to monitor the indicators of the Quality delivered and perceived by our passengers, also in terms of benchmarks with other airports.


 The monitoring system for the quality delivered and perceived is based on the methodologies set out in the ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) Circulars GEN-06 and GEN-02A.

ISO 50001 certification

SAGAT S.p.A. it is a company with a high energy consumption and has always considered energy management to be an crucial factor for the sustainable development of its business.

In October 2020 SAGAT S.p.A., along with DNV-GL certification body has renewed the Energy Management System certification according to the international standard ISO 50001  after undertaking an energy diagnosis update in agree with the manner provided for by Italian Legislative Decree n. 102/2014.

The objectives of the new improvement plan are focused on limiting consumption both through investments in plants and systems with significant potential for improvement and through the enhancement of management and control systems.

Consistent with the objectives of its energy policy, in 2020 SAGAT S.p.A. increased 75% of the electricity from certified renewable sources.

For more information, consult the page dedicated to the Energy Management Policy of Torino Airport.

HSE - Health, Safety and Environment Management System

SAGAT S.p.A. subscribes to its commitment to corporate responsibility and sustainability, and reaffirms the focus of its activity on the creation of long-term value for all its stakeholders, ensuring that this is carried out in compliance with a set of values, principles, criteria and attitudes that favour sustainable social and environmental development, and encouraging the development and implementation of its ethical principles based on integrity and transparency.

In this context, SAGAT considers the safety of workers and the safeguarding and protection of the environment as essential elements of its activity as Airport Manager and undertakes to consolidate these aspects within an integrated management, promoting a culture of empowerment and active commitment that involves all workers and operators in the airport context.

Taking into account the different nature and extent of the existing risks, in order to pursue a policy of continuous improvement of its performance for the environment and occupational health and safety, SAGAT S.p.A. adopts and maintains an active Health, Safety and Environment Management System, certified according to UNI EN ISO 14001 and UNI ISO 45001 Standards.

The HSE Management System of Torino Airport has been certified by both the TÜV Italia and TS Technical Service AG Certification Bodies.

The achievement of the HSE Management System Certification represents the intent of SAGAT S.p.A. to adhere to the highest internationally recognized occupational environmental and safety performance standards, going beyond compliance with the minimum requirements imposed by national legislation. The HSE management System turns out to be a strategic element transversal to all the activities present on the airport fields: support activities, services’ management - carried out directly or indirectly - infrastructure design, construction and maintenance activities, aeronautical operativity.

ACI EUROPE Airport Carbon Accreditation - Level 3+

Turin Airport has been certified at Level 3+ (Neutrality) of the Airport Carbon Accreditation environmental sustainability programme - the common protocol for the active management of greenhouse gas emissions at airports through measurable results - promoted by ACI Europe, the association of European airports. A step forward in Turin Airport's environmental sustainability strategy.

Level 3+ certification requires the fulfilment of all Level 3 ‘Optimisation’ accreditation requirements, which implies the preparation of an implementation plan to reduce carbon emissions and the drafting of a stakeholder involvement plan to expand the process of reducing emissions of the various actors operating at the airport (airlines, handlers, sub-concessionaires, passengers and territorial realities). In addition to these requirements, level 3+ envisages the offsetting of residual emissions generated by the airport through high quality carbon offsetting projects. The Turin airport has therefore become carbon neutral, completely neutralising the impact it generates on global warming and the generation of greenhouse gases. 
The next triple ‘Fit for 55 aligned’ goal set for 2030 is to: 

  • reduce its primary energy requirements by 39%, 
  • increase to 40% the amount of electricity produced from renewable energy sources
  • reduce emissions under its control by more than 55% compared to 2010

This target will be ensured by the continuation of the investments made so far to increase the efficiency of the most energy-intensive systems, to increase the share of self-generated energy from renewable plants and to purchase electricity from 100% renewable sources.