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ACI EUROPE Airport Carbon Accreditation - Level 3+

Turin Airport has been certified at Level 3+ (Neutrality) of the Airport Carbon Accreditation environmental sustainability programme - the common protocol for the active management of greenhouse gas emissions at airports through measurable results - promoted by ACI Europe, the association of European airports. A step forward in Turin Airport's environmental sustainability strategy.

Level 3+ certification requires the fulfilment of all Level 3 ‘Optimisation’ accreditation requirements, which implies the preparation of an implementation plan to reduce carbon emissions and the drafting of a stakeholder involvement plan to expand the process of reducing emissions of the various actors operating at the airport (airlines, handlers, sub-concessionaires, passengers and territorial realities). In addition to these requirements, level 3+ envisages the offsetting of residual emissions generated by the airport through high quality carbon offsetting projects. The Turin airport has therefore become carbon neutral, completely neutralising the impact it generates on global warming and the generation of greenhouse gases. 
The next triple ‘Fit for 55 aligned’ goal set for 2030 is to: 

  • reduce its primary energy requirements by 39%, 
  • increase to 40% the amount of electricity produced from renewable energy sources
  • reduce emissions under its control by more than 55% compared to 2010

This target will be ensured by the continuation of the investments made so far to increase the efficiency of the most energy-intensive systems, to increase the share of self-generated energy from renewable plants and to purchase electricity from 100% renewable sources.