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Communication opportunities for your company

Both Indoor and External Advertising at Torino Airport is managed by IGP Decaux offering a large number of solutions for commercial communication.

IGPDecaux is the leader and the only global operator of external communication in Italy, thanks to a comprehensive  commercial offer, the specific competence on the media and attention to innovation.

The integration of the activities: dynamic advertising, undergrounds, airports, billboards and street furniture, allows the market to be able to choose from the widest and most complete range of out-of-home products including: spaces of different sizes inside and outside of buses and trams, communication solutions in the subway and airport, posters, large formats, shelters and other elements of urban furniture.


IGPDecaux S.p.a.
Centro Direzionale Milanofiori
Strada 3 - Palazzo B10
20090 - Assago - MI
Ph.: +39 02.654651
Fax: +39 02.6599037

Communication Office: +39 02.62498294