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Corporate Social Report

Torino Airport Corporate Social Report is an indispensable tool for the sustainability of the airport which characterizes the growth of the Airport.

In fact, the Airport continues to carry out its business by keeping the communication channel open with the territory, to better understand its needs and continue to ensure adequate mobility towards the rest of Italy, Europe and the world.

Meeting the needs of the various protagonists of the "airport system" - passengers, employees, suppliers, the environment and the territory - is fundamental to guaranteeing the development of the airport with a view to sustainability and in harmony with the context in which the company operates.

The preparation of the Social Report represents a double opportunity for the Airport Managing Company: on the one hand, it is an opportunity to gather all the actions undertaken during the year in a single perimeter, to disseminate them within the organization and to evaluate their results; on the other hand, it is an instrument of transparency and information to stakeholders on the sustainable development path undertaken in the management of the company.