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Suggestions, reporting and complaints

Please do not use this module for flight status information requests. For this kind of information, please call the General Ticket Office: +39 011.5676361/2.

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Pursuant to current legislation, we would like to inform you that the processing of the personal data you provided is carried out by SAGAT S.p.A. in compliance with fundamental rights and freedoms, with particular reference to the confidentiality of personal identity and the right to data protection.

The Data Controller is SAGAT S.p.A., based in Caselle Torinese (TO) - Strada San Maurizio n.12, which can be contacted at the following e-mail address or by sending a letter to SAGAT Handling S.p.A. – Privacy Controller, Strada San Maurizio n.12, Caselle Torinese (TO).


The company has appointed a DPO (Data Protection Officer) who can be contacted at the following e-mail address or by sending a letter to SAGAT S.p.A. - DPO, Strada San Maurizio n.12, Caselle Torinese (TO).




The data you provided us with and specifically:

  • Personal details or other personal identification elements (i.e.: name, surname, residence address),


is connected and/or instrumental to the effective management of the requests you made.




Processing, concerning the above mentioned purposes, is based on express consent pursuant to Article 6, paragraph 1, letter a) of GDPR Regulation 2016/679.




We inform you that the personal data you provide through filling in the form “Contacts”, is collected and processed to better know the needs of the airport customers and give feedback to reports received.


We inform you that data will be processed through paper or electronic media and will be retained and controlled by using suitable preventive security measures, aimed at minimising the risks of loss and destruction, unauthorised access, and processing that is not permitted and different from the purposes for which the processing is carried out.


The provision of data to our company is optional, however, failure to provide i twill make it impossible to consider the “Contacts” you have made, including giving you feedback. 


Data is not subject to an automated decision-making process.




Personal data will be processed by authorised SAGAT S.p.A. employees and can be communicated to companies, assigned as data processors, appointed to manage the service on behalf of SAGAT S.p.A., to manage the requests you made.


SAGAT S.p.A. does not transfer data to a third country, outside the EU, nor to an international organisation.




We would like to point out that in compliance with the principles of lawfulness, limitation of purposes and data minimisation, prior to your liberal and explicit consent, expressed at the bottom of this information disclosure, your personal data will be retained for a period of 10 years; in the event of judicial litigation, the related data will be retained for 10 years from the final sentence.




Regarding data that is subject to processing referred to in this information disclosure, being the data subject, the following rights provided for by current legislation to protect personal data are recognised to you:

  • request SAGAT Handling S.p.A. access to the processed data (Article 15 of UE Regulation 2016/679);


  • request rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning you and/or the integration of incomplete personal data (Article 16 of the EU Regulation 2016/679);


  • request that your data is no longer processed, revoking your consent at any time (Article 13, paragraph 2, letter c, 17 and 21 of the EU Regulation 2016/679);


  • request the deletion of personal data only if: it is no longer needed for the purposes for which it was collected or otherwise processed; if revocation of consent occurs, unless processing is needed to ascertain, exercise or defend a right of the Controller in court; it is unlawfully processed or must be deleted to fulfil an obligation foreseen by EU law or by national law (Article 17 of the EU Regulation 2016/679);


  • request the limitation of processing when one of the following hypotheses occurs: the data subject disputes the accuracy of personal data and requests the limitation for the time necessary to the Controller to verify the accuracy of personal data; the processing is illegal and the data subject opposes the deletion of the data and asks instead that its use is limited, although the Controller no longer needs it for the purposes of processing, personal data is necessary for the data subject for the ascertainment, the exercise or defence of a right in court (Article 18 of EU Regulation 2016/679);


  • request and receive the data entered in the compilation of the form in a structured format, commonly used and legible by an automated device (so-called portability) (Article 20 of the EU Regulation 2016/679).


We inform you that you can exercise the rights mentioned above by writing to or by sending a letter to SAGAT S.p.A., Strada San Maurizio n.12, Caselle Torinese (TO).


The data subject also has the right to lodge a complaint to a supervisory authority if they consider the processing concerning them violates EU Regulation 2016/679. The complaint can be lodged to the supervisory authority of the Member State in which the data subject generally resides or works or of the place where the alleged violation occurred (Article 77 of the EU Regulation 2016/679).