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Elisabetta Oliveri new Chairman of SAGAT S.p.A. - Members of the Board of Directors appointed - Andrea Andorno confirmed as Chief Executive Officer

The Shareholders' Meeting of SAGAT S.p.A. met today for the approval of the SAGAT Group's 2018 Financial Statements, which closed with a net profit of 7 million 689 thousand euros and appointed Elisabetta Oliveri as Chairman, for a three-year term. The Shareholders' Meeting also appointed the other members of the Board of Directors, whose mandate will last three years and which is therefore composed as follows: Elisabetta Oliveri (President), Andrea Andorno, Rita Ciccone, Jean Jacques Dayries, Antonio Lubrano Lavadera , Paolo Mignone, Laura Pascotto, Daniele Rizzolini. 
The Board of Directors has finally renewed its confidence in the Chief Executive Officer Andrea Andorno, in charge since 24 January 2019.